tawāw - Welcome to My Cree App!
My Cree App is like learning Cree from your Auntie!

You are going to love how quickly and easily you begin speaking Cree. And you can start
learning to speak Cree, right on your own iPhone or iPad.

We’ve based our learning approach on a modified immersion model, just like we did with
our successful children’s series:  Tansi! Nehiyawetan (seen on the Aboriginal Peoples
Television Network - APTN). 

Nothing takes the place of learning at home or in an immersion school, but being
comfortable with the language helps you feel confident about learning. And we do want
you to feel good about learning Cree.

There are no lessons to follow – just starting listening and practicing.  My Cree App goes
beyond simple word lessons. Instead, you get the word in a phrase: not just muskwa
(bear) but muskwa awa  - This bear.  Not just minōs (cat) but minōs awa (this cat) and
minōsak ōki (these cats) – so you can start to see how Cree grammar works.

Our phrases include words you might want to use in your everyday life. Is there someone
you want to meet at a coffee shop so you can get to know them better? We have a phrase
for that. And when you do get to know them, you might want to tell them how you feel:  I
like you. kimīywēyimitin

As artists and filmmakers, we’ve tried to make My Cree App look as beautiful as we can –
so you can celebrate being Aboriginal as you learn. We worked with the best Aboriginal
illustrators and photographers, plus we searched out amazing images that capture our
sense of the world.  We’ve also chosen words and phrases that promote health and

Just click to see some common and useful Cree words and phrases and hear them
spoken by a teacher who grew up speaking Cree and taught the language for 30 years.
©2013 Mighty Sparrow Media Group (Mamaoo Pictures Ltd and Nehiyawetan 3 Productions Inc) - All Rights Reserved